I cannot believe it’s almost October! That means my free monthly community call is next Tuesday, October 3 at 2 pm EST.
I’ll be in a celebratory mood as October 1 is my birthday. I’ve always felt aging is a privilege and there’s something about turning 45 that is “Five years till 50” that hits me a bit differently.
Bring your food, body, and health questions and I’ll help you get unstuck. I’m here to support you.
It will be a general call, with Open Q&A.
Here’s the recent topics I’ve covered to also spark ideas:
the over-analyze→ indecisive → f*ck it eat cycle
New Podcast
I know many people feel talking about their food dynamic is taboo. That’s how money feels to me.
It’s a messy, nuanced topic that is often reduced to budget culture or “abundance mindset”, essentially preaching the same beliefs as diet culture, because they’re both entrenched in same sick systems.
But Linzy Bonham, host of Money Skills for Therapists, can hold nuance and complexity so I wanted to have this conversation.
We discuss:
- How I thought I was “good” with money but my middle-class upbringing ethos created blindspots to the whole truth
- The business turning point that made me aware I needed to examine my relationship with money
- The entrepreneurship truth rooted in class I wish more people knew and talked about
- The best financial investment in my business and why mastery matters for business excellence and sustainability
For Change Agents
The Truce Coaching Certification is enrolling now through October 6.
Trauma-informed? ✅
ICF-certified for 40 CEUs ? ✅
BCNS certified? 20 CEs ? ✅
Want to learn more? Check out this workshop:
Beyond Atomic Habits: The Future of Behavior Change
- The two types of change
- When Atomic Habits/traditional habit development makes sense and when it sets clients back.
- The archetype we must evolve into as change agents for an increasingly changing and unpredictable world.
- How embracing adaptive change radically shifts our relationship with clients and their results.
- Why a focus on more agency, not more tools, is the goal
Register here to receive the limited replay.
Be Well,
P.S. Book your calendars now for a free sneak peak of my WAIETN Live: Your Life and Eating Aligned program with my free, A Cookie Isn’t Just A Cookie: Stop Stress Eating workshop on Wednesday, September 13. Get all the deets and register here.
P.P.S. If you’re a change agent interested in wanting to facilitate a process where competing commitments are assumed and is designed around adult learners, consider my ICF and BCNS, trauma-informed Truce Coaching Certification (TCC). Join us here to learn more and be added to the interest list.
Want more content like this where we get to the roots of your sustainable change battle like food, exercise, and overworking?
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