This is the heart and soul of Truce with Food. If you want to build the mindset to make emotional eating obsolete, join us! We start in two weeks!
The 4 Emotional Eating Patterns
What is emotional eating? Where do you even start to get under what’s driving you to eat? In this first of many topics on emotional eating, we’ll discuss what emotional eating is, different ways people emotionally eat and a profound question to get started to understand your “Why”.
First I want to say how much I enjoy the conversations you have on your podcast. They are always so rich and full of insights and aha moments. This one was no exception. This particular podcast was emailed to me over the weekend I presume because I just joined your Insatiable Community. My only problem with this episode is that the four emotional patterns were not completely defined so I have no idea which one I fall into. BUT I did have a huge AHA moment when you were talking about how people eat during social situations specifically not feeling comfortable sharing dietary restrictions etc. I’d love to figure out how to unpack this further. Hopefully the IC community will help with that. Thank you for sending it along :)
Hey Shannon,
I actually don’t know how that got sent to you! Will investigate. Glad it was worth the time with that ah-ha moment. And yes we will unpack this in the Insatiable Community much further. But as a preview: I did this episode three years ago and it was before I was able to more clearly identify these four patterns really as three and they are the compete, avoid and accommodate patterns! I had been observing these patterns for so long and then was able to get even more clear and define them more when I found the Thomas-Kilmann conflict model!