Truce with Food is open for registration for five more days. This program is for women only.
I was in a constant cycle of binging or eating poorly and then getting angry. I spent so much energy figuring out how to “fix” myself. Thanks to Truce with Food, I can’t remember the last time I binged! I feel more free as the program helped me transform my perfectionist mindset. This enabled me to to go for my dream job and get the position. The program is challenging and completely worth it. It changed my life and I am so thankful! Krista
Two years ago, Loren* reversed her depression by healing her gut. She made the necessary dietary changes and lost 15 pounds as a side-effect. She felt the best she ever had.
However, now, she was “slipping”. Her weight was creeping back up. Her mood swings back as she was trying to manage the roller coaster of highs and lows that came with her recent promotion to CEO of the non-profit she worked for. She knew how great she could feel and yet, “couldn’t keep it up.”
“Backsliding” on your nutrition healing protocol or “cheating” on your third Whole30 is usually a sign you need to shift from general tactics to a personalized, holistic strategy.
In the same way Loren as the CEO needs to start thinking strategically for the entire organization (and use her voice) versus following organizational direction as a manager, backsliding is a threshold.
Crossing this threshold to life-changing results is far from guaranteed. Unfortunately, most nutritionists and wellness gurus aren’t experts on the change process.
And to change is to heal.
As a result, there’s very few choices that mid-wife you through the guaranteed messy process and exponential healing of lasting change. When we get stuck, we believe we have only two options:
Option A: Switch to a new plan. Diet culture tells us we need more willpower and discipline. Yet these new tactics usually conflict with what we thought was working, overwhelm ensues as you throw your hands up on the way to the fridge.
Option B: We focus on self-acceptance and don’t address the emotional reasons we’re “slipping”. Body positivity often tells us to be kind to ourselves, even if that results in us staying in pain. This takes us further away from trusting our power and we backslide further.
As someone suspicious of authority and Option A or B didn’t work for me, I was desperate to believe there could be a better way. At the time, there wasn’t. So I created one.
Option C: Truce with Food. A strategic, evidence-based, client-proven process where self-acceptance means befriending your body by discovering what foods work best for you and removing the emotional patterns that cause you to backslide or are keeping you stuck.
This holistic approach gets us the results we want and need in order to answer the callings of our lives.
For Loren, removing the emotional pattern about how she dealt with her work stress leveled out her work highs and lows. To her delight, she got better results as she finally felt confident knowing she didn’t have to be perfect. And on the tough days, she has more resilience because she’s taking better care of herself as her food fell back into place.
Maybe most important is being liberated from the story that she could either be healthy or successful at work. The deep mindset work we do in Truce with Food enabled her to trust and experience that her health supports her creativity, leadership and strategic vision as the CEO.
If you ready to stop fixing and fighting your body and instead propel forward through the messy process of change, Truce with Food is here for you.
And as a bonus, you’ll have a new mindset, skills and confidence for the new challenges you’ll want to pursue and succeed at.
Be well,
P.S. There’s only five days left to register for Truce with Food. On the fence? Let’s talk 1:1 to see if it’s right for you. And this isn’t a sales call, it’s a genuine exploration.
Is it too late to join Truce with Food?
Hi Leanne! Unfortunately, Truce with Food’s 2018 session is closed. I encourage you to sign up for the waitlist, though. Or take this quiz to get started while you’re waiting for the 2019 session to open.