Based on the response to my recent community webinars, I’ll be offering select virtual coaching workshops this summer on owning your food and body story to become self-authoring.
In an increasingly complex world where we need to look out for ourselves more than ever, this adult development stage has renewed urgency and importance. Falling back on the ways we’ve been socialized means there will be no meaningful change in our medical system or wellness industry and how we show up in our lives. Becoming more self-authoring is crucial to coming out of this transition better than when we went into it, personally and collectively
I need your input to make my upcoming workshops valuable to you and where you are: what challenges do you have with your relationship to food, your body, and health? Just hit reply to let me know.
And for regular podcast listeners or those who’ve taken my courses, please let me know the new questions you have as you advance in your journey. The deeper we go, the less our questions are around food and the more they become about self-leadership and cultivating meaningful choices to reclaim the power we’ve abdicated to weight loss and our medical system.
Your answers will inform what workshops I offer. Stay tuned here, my email list will get first dibs on these accessibly priced, space-limited workshops.
An A+ for Vitamin D. Having adequate Vitamin D is proving to be one of the best post-quarantine strategies for mitigating the severity of and preventing death from Coronavirus. Vitamin D, which is actually a hormone and not a vitamin, is important in regulation and suppression of the inflammatory cytokine response, which causes the severe consequences of COVID-19, including death. But, before you go out and buy Vitamin D, Vitamin C, and other “immune-boosting” supplements, know your money is better spent on a healthy diet and getting outside. Not only is Vitamin D exposure from the sun free, natural light is also a game-changer for great sleep and a healthy weight as well as preventing and managing auto-immune diseases and cancer.
Where does weight go when we lose it?. The renewal of germ and terrain theory debates to determine COVID-19 solutions remind us that science isn’t a monotheistic religion (i.e. scientists have differing opinions and thus don’t all agree). With science becoming a dividing issue in an election year, it might be time to get a “software” update on the science behind weight loss—particularly since many have gained the COVID “19” or the “quaran-”ten” while sheltering in place. Here’s the current science about where the weight goes when we lose it, that perhaps we should share with our trainers and wellness gurus who might need to know this too.
Coronavirus Response: A Story of the Real America. If the 2016 election was a mirror for America to see itself and not the stories it tells itself, the Coronavirus showed that this virus didn’t break America, it revealed it. In this piece, George Packer uses a health metaphor to describe a nation on life-support because it was “On Crazy, that We Built a Nation”.
Prebiotic Potato Salad
Summer in these parts means turning on the oven as little as possible. And you can do that with this cook once, have for a week potato salad.
White potatoes should’ve hired the PR team the sweet potatoes did because they aren’t necessarily “bad carbs”. When you cook and cool white potatoes, resistance starch, also called prebiotics, are created. Prebiotics are food for the roughly 3.3 pounds of bacteria in your gut that influence how well you absorb what you eat, maintain your weight, and support your moods and immunity. Your body can’t digest resistant starch, so it ends up in the colon, where your gut microbiome feast.
Enjoy—and feel good about eating white potatoes again with this recipe.
When Sugar Becomes Addictive with Ali Miller, RD
Loving sugar or salty carbs isn’t only about taste. The main root cause of craving processed foods is it’s often your body’s way of trying to “keep the lights on” from not having the nutrition it needs.
In this episode with Ali Miller, holistic RD, we discuss:
- What is happening physically that requires us to “feed the (sugar) beast” and how to end the physical addiction of sugar cravings
- Why ketones and metabolic flexibility matter and being “keto” isn’t the only way to get there
- A radically different idea of food freedom that clashes with Intuitive Eating because of how processed foods deregulate the body
- Why zero-calorie sweeteners like stevia get a “zero” in Ali M.’s book
Be well,
P.S. Police brutality and racism continue to dominate headlines. I wrote a piece after the 2016 election about the connection between racism and health (even if you are white) and included some powerful educational resources for anti-racism work. I hope you will check it out and join me in the work of understanding whiteness and the real history of America, not what I was “educated” about in school.
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