In lieu of our traditional Well-Rounded this week, I’m hosting a free webinar series on how to get to the root of falling off track with food for more food and life freedom. This webinar series is also a free sneak peak of my Why Am I Eating This Now? 3-month live group program that is now open for registration.
In tomorrow’s webinar, What Are My Eating Triggers, I’ll walk you through a coaching exercise that will enable you to see what’s underneath your eating and then on Friday, we’ll discuss How to Get Back in Control with Food.
For a sample of the webinars and concepts we learn to embody in WAIETN? keep reading…
3 Practices to Get Back in Control of Food: Most of us understand intellectually that we can’t control life. We are actually more resilient and creative than we realize, our ability to recover and adapt means we don’t need to control life to survive or to thrive. But we do need to fully realize the choices and options we have to adapt, which ultimately gives us a feeling of control with food and our lives. This is in part why COVID lockdown has many of us eating or not working out: many of our choices have been taken away.
Studies show that telling people not to think about chocolate… makes them eat more chocolate. Which translates to bingeing on sugar when someone tells you you have to eliminate it. When we are out of choice around food or life, we stress eat. Learn more about how to be in choice versus control around food, even during these whip-lash-wild-I’m running out of adjectives, times.
Optimal Conflict: Did you know the things we struggle with the most are the key to unleashing our own greatest potential? When struggling with food, depression, and IBS, I tried to focus on the “positive” qualities in my body and myself. That was important. And not enough. It did not get me the results I wanted. I had to understand the real deficits and imbalances in my body and life.Unfulfilled in my Corporate job, I had to understand my doubts and fears, not only my values and strengths. Diagnosed with infertility, I had to use my resilience to revisit the pain, grief and loss of the Cancer that Western Medicine assumed caused my infertility.
By digging into my own deficits and imbalances—what I now know as Optimal Conflict— I had a Truce with Food, meaningful career and miracle baby boy supported of course, by the privilege to access the resources needed to create success. In this time of COVID, it’s critical to understand how to make this mess and stress meaningful and useful to come out stronger and wiser. Here’s a brief overview of Optimal Conflict.
CEO vs. Princess Archetype: We don’t often realize that the real sabotage with our nutrition, weight and health goals is from “expert” advice. Because the experts, including some in the scientific community, are operating under culturally influenced stories themselves (hence why there is science that backs up sexism and racism).
If anyone understands believing in your doctors and Western Medicine to save you, it’s me. Both saved my life when I had cancer. But when it comes to wellness and thriving, our medical system was never designed for this—and doesn’t ask the right questions.
But we can figure out our own way forward by becoming the CEO of our health and body. Learn more about going from Princess to CEO.
3 Ingredient, Sugar Free Chocolate Chip and Peanut Butter Cookies
If you’re like me and short on sleep and get sugar cravings when you’re tired, these are your cookies! They are super easy too so they will give you more energy than they take to bake. Find the recipe here.
A few additional notes not included on the recipe post: I highly recommend organic peanut butter, peanuts and cotton are grown together and tend to be heavily sprayed. If you don’t do peanut butter, try almond butter. And the higher the cocoa of the chocolate chips, the less sugar.
Top Listener Favorite Alert!
Quitting Alcohol and Managing Sugar Cravings with Laura McKowen
Alcohol is one of the most consumed forms of sugar and quitting alcohol can lead to an increase of sugar cravings and consumption. In this episode – one of the most popular in Insatiable history – We are the Luckiest author Laura McKowen and I discuss:
- Her process to sobriety, which included recognizing our collective, unhealthy story around alcohol and her most important practice
- How she learned to own her personal story and discern what was her truth versus the judgements she had about herself to heal her pain
- The relationship between her drinking and history of eating disorders (the food issues came before the alcohol)
- How she stopped eating so much sugar after it initially increased with sobriety
Be well,
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