After giving birth, I was in “IT”, with “IT” being how relentless life can be. Ten months of pregnancy. Labor. Birth. And then a mysterious little baby to protect and nurture with no sleep or manual. Who came up with this (non) plan!?
And then COVID happened four months later. Often when you think “IT” can’t get any tougher, the Universe might just laugh in your face.
COVID has felt relentless for many of us. With its fear, uncertainty and isolation. And again, no manual.
For many of us, we learned to eat through intense emotional experiences like the various COVID twists and turns.
Learned is the key word here. Because if we learned to eat through stress, we can also unlearn.
When I was bullied, I got through by coming home from school and eating cinnamon raisin bagels. And then after cancer, I became obsessive about exercise to “make up” for my out of control eating that was driven by trauma and an existential crisis that as a 14 year old, I wasn’t equipped to handle. And in my early 20s, I was stressed yet bored and underwhelmed with my life. And I thought that solution was food too.
What I wished I had back then was my Why Am I Eating This Now? tools to learn how to more effectively and powerfully manage my discomfort and under-fulfillment.
I would’ve realized my all-or-nothing, restrict and binge eating wasn’t really about the food, even though I could’ve sworn it was.
I would’ve learned how to transform discomfort into more self-trust and fulfillment, not less trust and the accompanying restriction and deprivation that causes.
And let’s be real: I would’ve saved myself so much time to be doing better things than obsessing over my food.
If you’re ready to address the root cause of your restrict-binge/all-or-nothing eating and learn the tools and skills for lasting change with your food, I’d love for you to join us in WAIETN Live. And yes, these are skills you can learn—no white knuckling required.
My once a year WAIETN Live group program is now open for registration. This is a special edition where we will apply the timeless WAIETN tools to our COVID experience in every other week live teachings. Our bodies really need extra support to come out of this experience if we are to fully recover and rebuild. We will make sure we do that and set you up for more success.
We begin Wednesday, May 19. WAIETN is a strong warm up to Truce with Food. I created it so clients can enter Truce with Food and get exponential results.
Register by May 14 with Coupon Code covidspecial for this unique bundle:
- $200 discount on either payment plan option
- Freedom From Cravings program to learn what foods work best for your body ($175 value)
- 3 months post-WAIETN Live Insatiable Membership community support to integrate your skills for cumulative results ($180 value)
This is a special offer valued at $550 for this year only as I want us to do our best to change and grow from this rare, collective disruption. It’s not often life offers us these kind of critical examination periods.
In this program, you’ll learn how to use stress and under-fulfillment to catalyze (not derail) your goals and create more consistency with your nutrition and life goals. This evidence-based, client-proven process is made magical by the really unique, non-dogmatic, health rebel, community (who are often bad joiners 8-) that is attracted to this work.
Want to learn more?
Here’s more on who this program is for, how we’ll break the cycle, client results, success stories, and testimonials (below). For a sneak peak, join my free workshop COVID: Out of Control Eating Root Cause.
Post-COVID life won’t magically be less relentless. There will certainly be some instant relief. And, for long lasting relief, we need to learn the skills to navigate when life is busy making other plans for us, without food.
Be well,
To hear more about how WAIETN benefitted Liz and made her progress in Truce with Food exponential, click here.
To hear more about how WAIETN benefitted Erin and made her progress in Truce with Food exponential, click here.
To hear more about how WAIETN benefitted Kinsie and made her progress in Truce with Food exponential, click here.
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