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While the health-care and diet industry would like you to believe we are all the same, the truth is:
You are a wonder, not a widget
You don’t need a plan to rebel and restrict you. You need a dynamic framework that changes as you and your body do.
In today’s episode, we’re going to talk with my client Jessica Ivins about the truth she discovered was required for lasting results AND continued progress.
In today’s episode, we’ll discuss:
- questions she had entering our work together that kept her stuck and what questions she knows to ask now
- How she’s shifted her approach to her Endometriosis diagnosis
- Her empowering experience being fat shamed
- How she’s embraced the continuous tweaking of being a dynamic human in a dynamic body
In this episode, we referenced this article Jess wrote about being fat shamed.
July 1, 2019 UPDATE!
I am thrilled to be able to share (with Jess’ permission of course), that Jess is pregnant (we are due within three weeks of each other). I asked Jess how our work together laid the foundation for her pregnancy. Because I’m all about results that last and increase over time!
In her own words:
The work I did with Ali helped me with food and helped me with much more. It laid the groundwork for future self improvement. Her mindset work equipped me to handle stress and other problems life throws at me. For example, I’ve applied the tools I learned through Ali to how I manage my relationship with social media.
The work I did with Ali also set me up to succeed with other coaches. After working with Ali, I hired an insomnia coach to help me with my sleep. The insomnia coach put me on an elimination diet to see if certain foods were disrupting my sleep. I don’t think I could have handled that elimination diet without working with Ali. Ali’s program helped me reframe my relationship with food. Instead of seeing the elimination diet as a burden and a restriction, I saw it as an experiment to help me figure out my health issues and sleep issues.
The insomnia coach told me I had good coaches in the past. She could tell I already had a great mindset and great tools for approaching my sleep challenges.
Here’s more about Jess:
Jessica is a user experience (UX) designer and educator in Chattanooga, TN, USA. She is a faculty member at Center Centre, a school that prepares students to be industry-ready UX designers.
Jessica is a life-long learner and an avid reader. She’s used books to teach herself everything from healing her back pain to managing endometriosis without Western medication.
After years of unsuccessful diets and excessive exercise regimens, Jessica joined Ali Shapiro’s Truce with Food program in 2014. Since 2014, Jessica has worked with Ali to break away from the dieting-and-exercise-as-punishment mindset. Jessica has designed a personalized, holistic approach to healthful eating and living, an approach she continues to refine every day.
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