[smart_track_player url=”http://traffic.libsyn.com/insatiable/EP_96_Still_Not_Weight_Watching_Lindas_Key_to_Sustainable_Progress.mp3″ social=”true” social_twitter=”true” social_facebook=”true” social_gplus=”true” social_linkedin=”true” social_pinterest=”true” social_email=”true”]
This week’s Insatiable podcast featured my client Linda, who is 18 months out of starting her Truce with Food adventure.
We aren’t working together anymore and she continues to get results.
The key to Linda’s success?
Mastering stress.
I see people share their current weight loss success on very rigid programs. Friends chime in and say, “I’m overwhelmed right now but I want details for when life isn’t so hard.”
If you want to maintain any type of long-term health, weight loss or living full-out vitality, learning how to navigate the overwhelm is essential to sustainability. Most of us can gear up for a little bit. But forever? That’s a different skill set than learning more about nutrition.
In the same way effective work-outs breakdown your muscle to build your body up stronger than before, facing your stress or stuckness, rather than using food to avoid or cope when “life happens”, builds resilience and freedom.
Resilience building is freeing and life-changing.
As Linda explained in this episode, “Knowing I have the tools to handle my emotions within me is huge. It’s a huge shift. There’s a confidence that wasn’t there before.”
It’s the confidence Linda relied upon when she recently got off her antidepressants even though her psychiatrist said she should be on them for the rest of her life.
It’s the confidence that lead to a huge career change that’s bringing up a range of emotions!
In this episode, we get into all the nitty-gritty of how she’s saying yes to the adventure of life, including how Linda’s nighttime eating is back on occasion and she’s not stressing about it (and we discuss why it’s all healthy!).
In today’s episode, we discuss:
- How Linda’s dealing with stress and overwhelm without food or her antidepressants for more rewarding outcomes.
- How work with her emotions has become a powerful source of confidence, improved many of her relationships and has led to her taking risks with and at work.
- What’s happening with Linda’s nighttime eating and why she’s not freaking out about it at all.
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