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Ali and Juliet go behind the scenes of ABC’s My Diet Is Better Than Yours with trainer Jennifer Cassetta. We discuss the different diets on the show and the break-up with her client, as well as why you should reconsider martial arts as a work-out.Jennifer Cassetta is a featured expert on ABC’s reality weight loss show, My Diet Is Better Than Yours. She’s a clinical nutritionist, personal trainer and third-degree black belt in HapKiDo. In 2005, she completed the Institute for Integrative Nutrition health coaching program, and went on to graduate as a clinical nutritionist from the University of Bridgeport, CT, with a Master’s degree in 2009.
Now based in Los Angeles, Jennifer consults for various companies creating corporate wellness programs, teaches self-defense seminars and travels the world with VIP clients. She has created the Stilettos and Self Defense DVD series and most recently co-authored her first book, Hear Me Roar: How to Defend Your Mind, Body and Heart Against People Who Suck.
Jennifer has made appearances on The Today Show, The Doctors, Rachael Ray and many more and she contributes to healthy publications like Women’s Health, Fitness, Shape and the Huffington Post.
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